Sunday, February 18, 2018

White Speaker Part 4

Here is the essentially finished White Speaker.  The only thing left is her spear, which will be stuck into the base.  It's possible I'll tweak one or two things on the figure as I take some time to look over it.  But at the moment I don't have any more work on her planned.

On the base, I started with just the basic dirt and rocks (plus the skulls and lantern).  After painting it, it was just a lot of grey and dull brown shades.  In part that's what I wanted.  The figure itself doesn't have much color, so I wanted the base to be simple so she would stand out.  But upon review, I decided the base was too uninteresting.  I weighed a few options and ended up deciding to add some red ivy along the ground.  I had some etched brass vines that I'd bought a while ago, so I clipped off a couple short sections.  I dulled the red a bit by adding in brown, so they didn't compete too much with the figure.  The use of red for the leaves, as opposed to green or some other color, was to tie in to the red already on the figure.

1 comment:

  1. She looks beautiful. Everything thing looks good but I especially love the skin tones. I never bothered with her spear in my version so to me she already looks complete! :)


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