This has been a project I've had going on in the background for quite a while. With all the design work, it's an easy one to get burnt out on. So best to work a bit here and there, keep it moving forward while taking breaks with other projects. But, as we're getting close to Adepticon, I'm redoubling my efforts to finish off the pieces I want to take with me.
The tiefling is very close to being completed. The part that was giving me headaches was the crescent moon pattern on the inside of his coach. I took a couple different attempts at it before finding an approach I liked. I started just free-handing them (without a guide). You'd think I'd know by now that that never turns out well. I then moved on to placing equally spaced dots (see the guide dots from many of my other posts on freehand) and drawing circles around each one (again using a guide to get the sizing down). From there, I could fill in the circle and then use the background blue to carve out a bit to make the crescent shape. I took two stabs at this before I finally got a size and spacing I liked.
I've done the inside of the sleeves and hood, but still have to do the inside of the main body of the coat (which will be visible around the legs). Going to be tricky getting in there, but I should be able to fade them into shadow as they go up and make my life a bit easier.
Other recent work has been on detailing the horns. Still working on that, but happy with how it's looking. Hopefully in the next week or two I'll finish up the painting on him. There's still the base to do, but I don't plan on doing anything too complicated with that.