I'm still hopping from project to project. A while back I agreed to do a figure exchange with a friend. I didn't want to take forever to finish (or even start) this, so I'm putting my personal projects on hold for a bit to make some progress on this guy.
The figure we chose was a 70mm Celt from Art Girona. It's a neat sculpt, though the casting leaves something to be desired. A bunch of pitting that I had to fix. I've got a couple figures from Art Girona and they've all had one issue or another. I like some of their sculpts, but the quality of the casting on the ones I've received means I probably won't buy from them again.
Anyway, this is a cool sculpt of a barbarian holding a severed head, presumably a Roman's head. I gave the figure a quick base coat and then started shading and highlighting the face. I wanted to try a different skin mix than I typically use. I thought this would work better for a barbarian. Instead of my normal base of Rosy Shadow, I used a 50/50 mix of Rosy Shadow and Bronzed Shadow. For the shadows I used a 60/40 mix of Chestnut Brown and Basic Dirt along with maybe 10% of the base color. For the deepest shadows I added some Walnut Brown. The highlights were a 50/50 mix of Fair Skin and Bronzed Highlight, then some Pure White for the final shine on the skin.

Here's a close up of the face. I included another face I did with my old skin mix for comparison. I'm not done with this new face yet, will probably make a few tweaks and then apply a number of glazes. But I like how the new mix looks. I'll definitely keep it as an option for future projects.