I'm continuing to refine the face on Melenth. I did some more work on the skin under regular lighting, painting the back left of the head and his neck. I also tweaked the shadow on the right of his forehead. There was a section that was a sharp line which just didn't look right, so I smeared it out. Then I painted the teeth (nice and yellowish). And finally I did some work on the OSL. I adjusted some of the placement and upped the brightness of the highlights (leaving the rest pretty dark so you get a more dramatic transition). There are a few very minor things I want to tweak, but mostly I'm very happy with the OSL. Oh, and the OSL on the neck is still unfinished, I need to bring up the brightness there to match the work on the face.

Here's a look at an earlier version and then the most recent one. You can easily see the change in brightness and some of the other adjustments I made.