After wrapping up the banner, I glued it into place in the knight's hand. I've painted the spear point but the pole is just base coated. I'd held off on doing anything to the base. In part because I don't really like dealing with bases, but also because I was handling it a lot while painting the rest of the figure and didn't want to cause any damage to it. It's not super fragile, but constant handling will start to rub detail off.
The figure came with a small piece of groundwork for the base (see previous photos) but I wanted to extend it out to cover the entire wood surface. I used some painters tape to help keep the edges around the wood base clean. I then used a modeling plaster to create the basic shape of the ground. I intentionally gave it an uneven texture as I applied it and overlapped the existing base slightly to help blend them together. After drying I used an old brush to paint on some white glue and then sprinkled sand over the base to create some additional rocky texture. I took a first pass at painting the base using Basic Dirt, 50/50 Basic Dirt and Khaki Shadow, then started to mix in Terran Khaki and then a bit of Khaki Highlight. I then added some dropped equipment from my box of bits and the next step will be to paint those. Then I'll use some pigments on the base when I weather the rest of the figure. I also want to add some sparse vegetation to the base, though that should probably be before I add the pigments.