You may have noticed it's been a while since my last post. Well, that's because the day after my wife and I had a new addition to our family! Since then there's been a lot of sleepless nights and very little painting time. But, I've managed to make a bit of progress on the dragoon figure. I continued on with the dark green coat and finished off both sleeves. From there I turned to the front and worked on the white for the coat and his shirt. I used Reaper's Bone Shadow, Weather Stone, Leather White, and bit of Pure White. I like this mix for natural cloth. The belt was done with Misty Grey and Pure White to differentiate it from the white of the shirt. The pants were done with Reaper's Khaki triad plus Walnut Brown for the deepest shadows. You'll notice the epaulettes and braided cord are still just base coated with Burgundy Wine. I haven't decided if I want to use metallic paints for those or matte colors and approach them more like NMM.